Monday, January 31, 2011

Tet fever!

Vietnam in now in the midst of Tet (lunar new year) fever. This is like Christmas and new year combined, and then put into overdrive.

Tet is so important here because, firstly, most people work 7 days per week, and Tet is the ONLY time they stop and relax; and secondly because there are many beliefs, superstitions, and traditions surrounding the lunar new year, such as the idea that if you are working on the first day then you'll have to work very hard for the entire year.

Here are some pics from the Hoi An Children's Home, where the kids and staff joined together for a terrific party late last week.

Getting everything clean is essential, and all the children pitched in to make the Home look beautiful - starting with the fence outside!

With preparations complete, the party could begin. There were games....

... and gifts...

... and the Home's Director, Mrs Diep, congratulated the kids on their studies and progress.

Lots of happy children. What else matters?

P.S. Some blogs which have been posting photos of Tet in Hanoi are here:

Our Man In Hanoi

Going with the pho

The city that never sleeps in

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