Saturday, August 01, 2009

They're shining!

Some months ago, I first blogged about an activity we're running in Hue called The Right to Shine.

Funded by ArtVenture in Singapore, this is a drama group for kids from impoverished families who had been trafficked from rural to urban areas, but are now back in their villages trying to return to normal lives.

The basic premise of the project is that these kids, like any others, have the right to shine - to be recognised as amazing, valuable human beings who deserve to be cared for and respected.

Over the summer holidays, the kids have been taking part in drama classes, learning to express themselves in a safe environment. But it's all been leading up to some community performances in which the kids can use drama to tell their communities about the experience of being trafficked. The message of the performances is: kids should be at home, not slaving away in factories.

The facilitator of the drama groups, the irrepressible Skye Maconachie, has been keeping her own blog about this. Check out her latest entry to see what she says about the first performance, which was held on Tuesday night.

There's one more performance to come, this coming Tuesday, and I will be in Hue for that one.

For now: some photos of the first village performance by Blue Dragon kids...


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