Friday, March 28, 2008


When you walk in the front door of the Blue Dragon drop in centre, one of the first things you see is the art room. There's always some art or craft activity going on, whether it's making jewelry for the kids to sell, or painting, or making puppets.

One of the ironies of Vietnam is that, while there are so many talented artists and artisans around the country, there are few avenues for children to develop their artistic interests. Kids normally don't do art in school - many of our kids are unfamiliar with using scissors when they first come to us.

So we give the kids as wide a range of artistic opportunities as we possibly can. Over the last 2 years, the range of arts and crafts that the children have been exposed to is mind boggling! And there's no doubt that these opportunities have helped many of the children, girls and boys alike, to become more expressive and to find inner qualities that they otherwise were unaware of.

Earlier this year, a woman named Jacqui from Gladstone in Queensland organised a fundraising party, thematically centered around art and dragons, and has come to volunteer with us for a few weeks. The money that she raised has been mostly used to provide art equipment for projects she's been working on with the kids, but she's also helped out with equipment and funds for other areas of our work.

The kids have had an amazing time getting involved in art projects big and small. Here are just a few of Jacqui's pics to show what she's been up to with the Blue Dragon children!

Kids and staff together in the art room

I made this!

The mural: One of the major projects, made of tiles

Planning and making

... and it's not all art. Jacqui (in the middle) is also
helping us to provide support for families.

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