Wednesday, November 15, 2006

A Bush in the Han

It’s APEC time!

Vietnam has been gearing up for APEC – the Asia-Pacific Economic Committee meeting – for over a year now. The streets have been cleaned, trucks banned from entering the capital city, floral displays elaborately created on major roadways.

Strangely, my invitation to join the official proceedings has not yet arrived in the mail – is that the postman coming now? – so I’m just going to be an innocent bystander to all of this kaffufle.

Kind of, anyway. There is some level of Blue Dragon involvement… A few of our older teens have jobs in the fine restuarants that have been called on to provide catering and functions. As far as I know, one of our guys, Vi, will be serving drinks at a major event this week. And, as far as I know (info is a bit difficult to come by, as you can imagine), there’s a good chance of George Bush and my own PM, John Howard, being there.

Now, I ain’t no fan of politics, and I’m not the kind to enjoy bowing before VIPs. But there’s a certain satisfaction in knowing that kids who were once shoe shiners and on the receiving end of some pretty overt hostility (like this, for example) will be rubbing shoulders with people who, well, won’t let the likes of me anywhere near them.

I’m feeling like one very proud daddy, despite being locked out!

You didn't let that Brosowski guy in, did you?